Owner: Smyrna School District
Location: Smyrna, Delaware
Description: The Smyrna School District home of the Smyrna Eagles, with a student population of approximately 3200 students and 200 teachers throughout seven (7) schools, determined that an energy policy was needed and to ensure that effective measures and metrics were put in place to minimize energy consumption and promote energy efficiency. Fayda Engineering & Energy Solutions was commissioned to work with the District to develop a plan to improve energy efficiency throughout the School District and assist with the implementation of their Energy Policy.
After careful consideration, it was determined that a 4 Phase solution would be the best approach. Phase 1 would Benchmark each school and facility within the District using the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Energy Star Portfolio Manager. Based on the results of the benchmark, Phase 2 would then enable the District to then determine which facilities should be targeted for projects that can reduce their energy profile and set their investment priorities. Phase 3 would identify specific projects to implement and Phase 4 would be the successful implementation of these projects.
Schools and facilities benchmarked were: Smyrna Elementary School, North Smyrna Elementary School, Sunnyside Elementary School, Clayton Elementary School and the John Bassett Moore Intermediate School.
Having recently completed Phases 1 & 2, this project was successful in that the District now has an accurate assessment of energy use in all of their facilities, has received an Energy Star Rating for each facility with all Benchmarked facilities eligible to receive the EPA Energy Star Label. This will now serve as a guide to determine how best to allocate resources in promoting energy efficiency. In addition each school can then be updated annually to measure improvements in energy use and operating efficiency.