Projects - Smyrna High School Expansion

Project: Smyrna High School Expansion & Renovations

Owner: Smyrna School District

Location: Smyrna, Delaware

Description: Due to the proliferation of the student population within the area served by The Smyrna School District, through a formal referendum process, the District determined that a major expansion was required that would nearly double the size of the existing school.

Led by the Architectural firm of Fearn Clendaniel Architects of Wilmington, DE, Fayda Engineering & Energy Solutions is providing Project Management oversight for this $52MM, multi phase, multi year project. In addition, Edward Fayda was responsible for the complete design and engineering of the Power Distribution, Lighting, Technology, Life Safety, Security Management and Low Voltage systems for this school**.

The expansion includes a 2000 student Gymnasium, two story instructional wing with 30 classrooms, Media Center/Library, Administration Wing, Kitchen, Cafeteria and support areas. In addition, to maximize the efficiency of the Heating and Air Conditioning systems, a Central Energy Plant is constructed to provide Central Chilled Water and Hot Water to the HVAC systems serving both the High School and Middle School on the campus.

The school is targeted to be completed approximately 9 months ahead of schedule and when complete, will be approximately 250,000 ft². Construction is scheduled for completion in Spring 2011.

** while at Mahaffy & Associates