Projects - Clayton Intermediate School

Project: New 600 Student Clayton Intermediate School

Owner: Smyrna School District

Location: Clayton, Delaware

Description: The Smyrna School District, through a formal referendum process determined that the student population in the Town of Clayton exceeded the capacity of the current facilities and that a new Intermediate School should be constructed. This school would house the 5th and 6th grade students enrolled in the Clayton region of the District.

Led by the Architectural firm of Fearn Clendaniel Architects of Wilmington, DE, Fayda Engineering & Energy Solutions is providing the design of the Electrical, Security and Technology systems for this school.

One of the newest schools in the State, this facility will be built to the strict energy standards of ASHRAE 90.1 2007 and will exceed the required energy standards by more than 15%. Judicious use of equipment and materials determined through life cycle analysis has ensured that the best choice of equipment has been selected.

Some of the energy saving measures (ECM’s) implemented include:

  1. Occupancy sensors in all classrooms and support areas.
  2. Occupancy sensors in student corridors to reduce energy use in corridors by 66% during times that students are in class and hallways are vacant.
  3. High Bay fluorescent fixtures in Gym in lieu of Metal Halide (MH), resulting in savings of over 20% compared to the highest efficiency MH lamps.
  4. Dual exterior parking lot lighting circuits to permit over 80% of the fixtures to be turned off at night and still maintain adequate illumination for security.
  5. Integrated lighting controls to permit all fixtures to be extinguished using the building energy management system.
  6. Integrated lighting controls to permit all emergency fixtures to be extinguished using the security system when the building is vacant.

This new 86,000 sq.ft. school is currently in construction and scheduled for completion in June 2012.