Mechanical & Fire Protection Engineering Services
Fayda Engineering & Energy Solutions mechanical engineering team focuses on building performance, controllability, useful life, energy use, maintainability, and elegant integration with the architectural design.
This includes the design and specification of:
- HVAC systems with various forms of humidification and dehumidification
- Central plant systems, including:
- Chiller plants
- Boiler plants
- Geothermal plants
- Specialty systems, such as:
- Process gas piping
- Specialty gas piping
- Deionized water distribution
- Acid waste neutralization
- Process vacuum
- Fuel, water and solvent: storage, collection and transportation
- Clean, dry, oil-free compressed air
- Plumbing systems:
- Domestic water
- Sanitary waste and ventilation
- Storm water and rainwater reclamation
- Greywater reclamation
- Blackwater treatment
- Fire suppression systems:
- Wet pipe
- Dry pipe
- Fire pumps
- Alternate extinguishing systems
- Other related services
- Life Cycle Cost Analysis
- Building ventilation/air quality analysis
- Energy studies and System modeling
- Natural ventilation modeling
- Computational fluid dynamics