1. Energy Audits:
An Energy Audit is a survey of the systems in a building to determine what Energy Conservation measures can be implemented to reduce the energy use of a building. The Energy Audit can vary in scope from a brief inspection of the building systems and utility bills, to a full detailed evaluation of all systems and their performance and the development of the conceptual design, installation costs and energy cost savings associated with the discovered improvements.
The American Society of Heating Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineers (ASHRAE) have developed standard energy audit levels. We primarily offer three levels of commercial energy audits, two of them conform to ASHRAE’s standards, and the third is a quick check-up for smaller businesses, or clients with a tight budget.
Overview Audits
Overview audits are often referred to as “walk-through” audits, because they involve walking through a facility, identifying energy conservation opportunities, interviewing facility personnel, and quickly reviewing the facility's utility bills. The overview audit is fine for organizations that want to know what they can do to reduce their energy usage and costs. It gives a road map of what to do. Because of its brevity, and because expected energy savings are not converted into dollar amounts, it may not be considered sufficient for reaching energy management conclusions. One of the best things about overview audits is that they usually identify no-cost or low-cost energy measures that can substantially reduce energy usage and costs.
ASHRAE Level 1 – Walk Through Analysis
ASHRAE Level 1 audits are more intensive than Overview Audits. The ASHRAE Level 1 audit focuses on low-cost/no-cost energy conservation measures, and provides a list of higher cost energy conservation measures. In addition to tasks performed in the Overview Audit, in the ASHRAE Level 1 audit, we report how much in energy and energy costs can be saved from each energy conservation opportunity. We perform an energy balance, which breaks out energy usage into different end uses.
We often perform ASHRAE Level 1 audits for clients who are seeking LEED-EB status. ASHRAE Level 1 audits are required as a prerequisite to attain LEED-EB status.
ASHRAE Level 2 – Energy Survey and Analysis
ASHRAE Level 2 audits will identify all appropriate energy conservation measures for a facility, and a financial analysis will be performed based on implementation costs, operating costs, and attainable savings. You will know for each energy conservation measure, the amount to be saved, the amount the measure will cost, and the amount of time it will take for the measure to pay for itself. In addition, ASHRAE Level 2 audits will discuss any changes to operations and maintenance procedures. This level of analysis will be adequate for most buildings and measures. ASHRAE Level 2 audits are normally performed for clients who are seeking LEED-EB status. ASHRAE Level 2 audits are worth 2 points (LEED-EB Credit 2.1, Option B) and are sometimes selected by our clients as it is less expensive than Retro-Commissioning (LEED-EB Credit 2.1, Option A).
ASHRAE Level 2 audits include a more detailed building survey and energy analysis than ASRHAE Level 1 audits. “Detailed” audits expand upon ASHRAE Level 1 audits by providing more detailed financial information regarding energy use. Often times, investors will require more rigorous financial projections than ASHRAE Level 1 audits provide. With ASHRAE Level 2 audits, we will provide realistic savings reports with regard to baseline operating costs. These reports will stress the expected return on investment, and projected savings will be presented in such a way that provides intensive detail, and instills confidence in the investor.
2. Utility Bill Evaluation:
With utilities being a major operating expense and the revelation of industry statistics that the percentage of bills containing errors is increasing, why not let us put our expertise to work for you? Our audit will include a comprehensive and thorough review of all your electric, gas, water and sewer bills. The purpose of this audit is to verify:
Once our audit is completed we will inform you of any errors and we will implement the necessary changes and process refunds due. We will verify and follow up to make certain that our request for changes and refunds have been executed according to our instructions.
3. ENERGY STAR® Services
Energy Star Benchmarking:
Benchmarking is the process of measuring and analyzing your energy and water consumption and is the first step to understanding and reducing your energy consumption and carbon footprint. We can benchmark your building and help you determine achievable and cost-effective energy and greenhouse gas reduction goals. Fayda Engineering & Energy Solutions, LLC is an Energy Star partner and uses the Energy Star Portfolio Manager and our own in-house tools to benchmark and set energy and cost reduction goals for your building.
ENERGY STAR Labeling Assistance
We can provide you with assistance in applying for the ENERGY STAR label for qualifying facilities. A professional engineer will perform an on-site visit to verify the attributes of your facilities, complete the necessary forms and submit the label application on your behalf.
Because a strategic approach to energy management can produce twice the savings - for the bottom line and the environment - as typical approaches, EPA's ENERGY STAR partnership offers a proven energy management strategy that helps in measuring current energy performance, setting goals, tracking savings, and rewarding improvements. Click here to learn more about ENERGY STAR.
4. EPACT 2005 Energy Tax Credit Verification:
A tax deduction of up to $1.80 per square foot is available for buildings that save at least 50% of the heating and cooling energy of a building that meets ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2001. Partial deductions of up to $.60 per square foot can be taken for measures affecting: the building envelope, lighting, or heating and cooling systems. This act extends the deduction through December 31, 2013. Fayda Engineering & Energy Solutions can help you determine if your energy efficiency project qualifies for the tax credit. Using IRS approved software to model the energy consumption of your building, we can determine if your energy efficiency project meets the minimum requirements to qualify. Visit http://www.epact2005.org/epact.htm for more information.
5. Engineering and Implementation:
Once the appropriate energy efficiency measures have been identified, Fayda Engineering & Energy Solutions will help you implement the energy efficiency measures by providing engineering, project management, construction management and rebate/incentive management support.