Projects - DHSS Facilities

State of Delaware
Delaware Health & Social Services
Energy Benchmarking of DHSS Facilities

Out of the growing dependency on foreign energy sources in the United States and especially those within the State of Delaware, on February 17, 2010, Governor Jack Markell issued Executive Order #18 which mandated that all State Government Facilities reduce energy consumption by 10% in 2011, 20% in 2013 and 30% in 2015. The Order utilized Fiscal year 2008 as the period or baseline in which those buildings and facilities were to be measured against.

The Department of Health & Social Services manages over 2,000,000 square feet of real property across the State of Delaware and provides a full range of medical and support services for its citizens.

Fayda Engineering & Energy Solutions is providing complete Energy Star Benchmarking services for 12 buildings and 4 campuses under their jurisdiction. Beginning with Fiscal Year 2008, each building and site will have an Energy Use Index (EUI) calculated which will be used to determine how efficient, energy is being used. Once a benchmark is established, all buildings will be ranked from lowest to highest EUI. This will then be a tool used to prioritize the allocation of resources or funding for energy efficiency projects in a manner that addresses the poorest performing facilities first.

With the use of Energy Star’s Portfolio Manager, once information is populated and buildings are Benchmarked, the Department, with the use of their own staff, can update this information each month and maintain current information on each site and building.